this oatmeal was like a drink and not mushy or thick at all :D
after breakfast i started to put my things away, and along the way i gave my host mom and dad gifts and i gave karla her lip glosses and other things :)
one thing that is here that i want to read is HARRY POTTER , IN SPANISH :)
Karla took me out to go and get the dogs washed and cut, but they were all to busy and so i took a few pictures of the city while i was at it.
the road to the house (la casa)
this picture (above) is the gate to the community that i live in now
this gate you have to swipe a card to get in
After this we went to the mall, and everything is so much more expensive here... we also went to a cultural shop where everything was ecuador, ecuador, and a little more ecuador. i had Empanadas :D they were amazing. the parks are gorgeous and they are full of art :)
the busses are like street cars, they run off of electricity, but they can also go on fuel.
people are selling things all over, at the lights they sell 20 oranges for only 1$
there are many many poor people here unfortunately and many stray dogs.
everything is behind bars, and the streets are all called avenues, and one is december 6th avenue :D
also the licence plates are different too, the first letter represents the province, so an I, T, P, etc... and the rest are different, so for
example PBD - 000
a few things i learnt today are
- people drive alot differently here, and its crazier than toronto
- you do not need a setbelt in the backseat but in the front you do
- city busses are dangerous
- the streets at night are really dangerous
the view from Karlas bedroom window
that white is the top of a volcano :)
icecream in the mall
this is how they buy their ketchup and mayonnaise :D
and finally i skyped with my parents and oma and opa :)
Awesome pictures Kayla. There is alot of houses. The ketchup is cool in the bag. The volcano picture is awesome. Have fun today. Love mom