Tuesday, 18 December 2012


so we all had to get on a plane from Quito to Coca, about a 45 minute plane ride... its was nice :) After we got there we went in a boat for about an hour or 2 down the Rio Napo... The water was brown, but apparently it was very very clean. There were no roads to Sacha Lodge where we stayed for the 4 days. Everything comes in by boat. We were aloud to do what ever we wanted until supper, and then after supper we went on a night walk. Here we got the chance to see a bunch of bugs, and spiders (including tarantulas). The next day we went in a boat to the indigenus peoples village. There we saw how traps, they use, work, and many other things including dancing. Later that night we went out in a canoe out to the middle of the lake, and around the sides looking for camen. The next day we went to two large towers, were we were over 40m above the floor. Amazing picture opportunities. 
Throughout the 4 days we hiked, canoed, climbed, and zip lined all over the place. :) it was awesome
One of the two towers... this one had 3 towers and 
was sooooo scary.... :D

just me being me in front of my room :)

Yes..... this is a WILD anaconda in the amazon rainforest :D

me being a derp, with a friend of mine --- Emily from US

Jumping off the dock into the black water... oh and by the way I swam with PARANA, ALLIGATORS  and ANACONDAS :D 

got to paddle :D

I made a butterfly friend :D

Fishing for parana.... didnt catch one but i caught a sardine 

me, Irina (Switzerland), Emily (US), and Astrid (Denmark)
just us rockin' the boots

MY GROUP :D -- and this is a 500 year old tree

me and Martha in the plane :D front seat :)

this was the tip of the bar... 

what the dock looked like at dusk

somebody had a lizzard in their room

two grasshoppers :P


ya know just a tarantula 

another frog

was so excited about getting a picture of this guy

the lake as we rowed out for anothe adventure in the amazonia

weird plant

i loved these birds, however they are very, very social

this is the lady who showed us the traps and spoke to us all

learning to dance :)

:D everybody

tried this stuff... didnt like it 


hes from germany and he was so excited to find this written on the paddle

just the sunlight, toughing the water

the others were already there

got a picture of my friend taking a picture of a mushroom 

captin kayla.... on a ROOT... of a 500 year old tree

this is called a walking tree... they move about 10 cm every year

camen... just the baby... we were all wondering where momma was

the anaconda that i held 

the fog

there was this cute little blue bird... and i had to zoom in all the way to catch him

i think this was a toucan 

i am not sure why but i love this picture

MONOS :D (monkeys) 

just your average camen... in a tree... about 10 feet up no big deal

hes so cute :)

this was the weirdest bird ever

Parana teeth

I made a friend

so this little guy was sitting just perfectly ... i love this picture

I FIGURED IT OUT FIRST :D --- out guide have us these leaves to try and undo
it took a while but we all got it

i think this is a vulture

i think emily's boot (far left) has a heart in it :D

i loved this sunset.... we were 40 feet up, above the trees... 
and we watched the sun set

me :)

.. one of my favorite shots ever... --- full zoom in, 
and it looks like the sky is on fire

no zoom :) its so pretty 

the map from the place.. to sacha lodge 

and this is the map of sacha lodge

and lastly... sorry for taking 2 weeks to post this :) i will try to post more often its just i get soooooo busy sometimes and yeah... LOVE YOU ALL <3 

-- Kaylita :D

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