so, it has been a while. Anyways, about two weekends ago, we played what is called carnival, here in quito it is a HUGE thing, as we play with water and carioca (fluffy white stuff). You basically just try to get each other wet, and full of carioca.
The weekend after this we went to a sort of cottage, and we played more carnival.
I love the dog here, sooo much. Anyways, my host mom (Tanya) dressed up as a bride as she had on her cousins HUGE engagement ring. It was a blast for over an hour <3 .
This past sunday we (tanya y yo) went to Mercado, where you buy fruits or what you would want. This place is huge.
For the past few days at school, teachers have been leaving, and we have been getting free periods, we take advantage of this by playing volly, and man is it ever fun. i love it :).
I have also been writing in my "diary" almost every day, and i even drew in Cruela Deville, because my history of art teacher reminds me of her. Anyways, all is very very well here, i skyped with my sisters and we talked about boys (the ones here), what ones i like and such ;)
It was a blast.
that tis all for now, and i will update shortly before i leave on my trip, as i am going to THE GALAPAGOS ISLANDS!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D -- so excited for this :)
hasta la vista.